No matter what part of the globe you call home, huge – some would say catastrophic – events have shaken us.
War. Espionage. Trade wars. Recession. Wildfires. Floods. Inflation. Layoffs. Viruses. Refugees. Dirty politics. Climate. Sorrow.
But dig a bit deeper because everywhere there are also signs of hope.
Human decency. Faith. Science. Right over might. Kindness. Enlightenment. Renewal. Fairness.
What is this world coming to? The answer is “all of the above.”
Justice rides a slow horse.
If you sometimes wonder how working in the world of commerce has any meaning these days, know that it does. In fact, it makes the world go round. Even my efforts matter to identify unique selling points and create clear communication about products, services and companies.
While you may not be in a position to influence wars, the economy or our global health, what you do every day is what it takes to keep the magnificent world we live in from crumbling. So do the right thing in your business interactions and at home. Show kindness to your neighbor in the next cubicle or down the street. Mentor younger colleagues and family earnestly. Encourage leaders to renew their effort in setting our course towards a brighter future.
We all have a role in weaving the tapestry of this decade’s history. Choose your thread color and quality wisely. The knot at the end of this year’s thread isn’t the end. It’s making room for a new beginning.